Review of Insider Secrets: Market Yourself with Michelle Joyce

Quick! Check out this title as soon as possible! It is available in streaming format only until Oct. 1st. For professional wanna-be's, it's a must. For those who have already been working on their careers a few years, I bet you'll still find something to inspire you (I did!)

When Michelle Joyce (Cheeky Girl Productions) posted on that she had a new product and was offering a few free copies (or viewings, since it's only available streaming on, I responded quickly. Michelle's other productions have had great content and the "Insider Secrets" title had me curious. Michelle has experienced success as a dance performer, teacher, workshop instructor, DVD producer, and event organizer (including the current season of Project Belly Dance) and I have appreciation for what she has offered the belly dance community as well as the general public.

This new title is a perfect example of Michelle's willingness to share and help other dancers reach their goals. While the "Secrets of the Stage" series already shares many performance tips for dancers, hobbyist or pro, with "Insider Secrets" it's as if you are sitting down with Michelle as she tells you how to exude professionalism as a belly dancer to other dancers. In this four-part, approx. 90 minutes production, Michelle gives information about appearance, costuming, professional photos, websites, promotional videos, networking, teaching workshops, and even producing your own DVD. Even if you don't think you're interested in all of those topics, hearing Michelle's advice based on her own experiences is inspiring.

Most of the video shows Michelle standing in a studio space, so grab some hand-sewing or knitting while you're watching this, as you don't always need to look at the screen. (At times, I wondered if this could easily be a podcast instead of a video.) Be sure to pay attention when she shows Michael Baxter during the photo tips section in Part 1 (he was one of my favorite parts!), the Photoshop tutorial, and the make-up tutorial with Adriana at the very end of Part 4. 

Head over to and check out "Insider Secrets: Market Yourself with Michelle Joyce." Be ready to take notes and check out websites of the resources and dancers that she mentions. All this info for only $19.99 is a great way to invest in yourself as a professional!