These workshops can be taught in 2-4 hours, with care given to the expected skill levels and other needs of the students.

Shamadan: From Street to Stage
Explore the many applications of this prop in Egyptian dance. Learn to lead a zeffa (wedding procession), perform with a troupe, or add a candelabra solo to your performance repertoire. Participants do not need their own shamadans for this workshop. Several shamadans will be available for students to try, as well as other items for practicing balancing.

Golden Era Goddess
Dance like the early Egyptian film dancers such as Samia Gamal, Taheya Carioca, and Naima Akef. Explore trademark movements that made each dancer unique as well as the common styling that tied them together. 

All About the Music
Ever dance to a song and Arab audience members sing along? (And maybe you didn’t know the song had lyrics?!?!?) Learn about classic Middle Eastern composers, singers, and songs as well as basic song structure. 

Listen to the Rhythm
Learn to identify and dance to malfouf, Saidi, and other common rhythms used in Middle Eastern music. Drill movements and develop combinations to accentuate the prominent beats. Work with the rhythms in isolation as well as in context in classic songs. 

Nobody Puts Habibi in a Corner!
Learn to use your performance space wisely with flexible combinations, variations of classic travel steps, and clever inclusion of turns. Adapt combinations to “dance on a tile” or use the expanse of a stage.

Give it a Rest
If you’re exhausted or bored while performing, chances are that the audience is, too! Learn to use pauses and timing to add dynamics to your dancing and create “moments” in your performances. 

Making an Entrance
Explore travel steps, using space, and making people LOOK to see who just entered the stage! Use a veil (or not) and take charge of your performance space. Learn not only how to command attention, but also to make connections with your audience, winning them over from the start.

Veil, Taqsim, Drum!
What’s a dancer to do with a 5-minute performance slot? Develop mini sets to showcase your repetoire. Learn a choreography that includes a dynamic entrance, juicy taqsim, and flashy drum solo.

Give ‘em What They Want – Skills for Restaurant and Party Performances
You’ve been hired to entertain; how can you be sure to be asked back? Learn how to structure your set, include essential moments in your show, and expect for the unexpected.

Elegant Hand & Arms
Add polish to your performances with strong, purposeful hand and arm positions and movements. Create frames to feature other areas of the body, add beautiful lines to traveling and turns, and let your arms and hands dance on their own.

Veil, Glorious Veil
Use your veil as a dance partner to enhance your entrance, Egyptian style, or as an integral part of your performance, vintage American oriental style. Learn techniques and combinations that can be adapted for both styles. 

Classic entrance
Vintage Veil
Sassy Saidi (with assaya)
Fusion Veil
Fan Veil fusion
Dynamic Drum Solo

Specific songs:
Basbousa (with or without finger cymbals)
Lola El Malama
Habibi Ya Eini